Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Update

Well it's been way too long since I posted anything on here and that's not coool. I started a new job at Noah's Bagel shop as a baker how cool, I like the job and belive that it'll be a sweet deal after training. School is going really well and my first match will be in the month of September but the show date hasn't been confirmed yet, BTW the next SPW show is Aug. 28...all the same things apply...but here's a reminder

Date- Aug. 28
Time- 5:30pm
Place- St. Peter's Church
Price- 10 washingtons or 2 lincolns or 1 hamilton

However you decide to do it I will be there like normal and your guys support is always noted and appriciated. Talk to you all sometime soon I hope, wish nothing but the best for you all.